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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bad Blogger! Bad!

Okay so I talk about how I'm going to blog twice a day, then I don't blog at all for like 4 days...nice of me huh? Sorry about the lag - my computer (much like me at times) had a minor hissy fit and wouldn't allow me onto Blogger and a few other totally random sites. (So again, much like me at times, has no real idea what it's mad about but just randomly picks places to dump her frustration) Who knows. It works now and thats all that matters.

So where am I today? Hoping for more RSVP's to the wedding and the Bridal Shower...wondering if the other Bridal Shower being thrown for me in July will have enough people at it to really make it a "party" - and trying to figure out what to do with Paige today because it's really nice out and we need to get out side.

SO I promise I haven't fogotten about you, it was just that my computer was PMS-ing

Back soon!