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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ring Shopping Today

Today Mr. S and I are hitting the....dare I say it....mall, to look for his wedding band. Mr S has been totally against mall jewelers for as long as I can remember, complaints about 300% mark ups and shotty quality.....

Hence the whole reason my ring was hand crafted by a small jeweler, who happened to be a friend of mine. It turned out great and I love it, unfortunately with the cost of metal, specifically the platinum that my ring is crafted from, having risen through the roof - we can no longer afford to get my wedding band from him. In fact, we can't afford to get Mr S.' ring through him either.

In an effort to save money and get us something we both wanted, I hit the mall last week looking to get an idea of what Mr. S. might light. He won't let me get him platinum, so we are leaning towards Tungsten and Titanium. We want something heavy duty that he can wear even when working in the garage with out if bending and what not.

When we get back from our running about, I'll let you all know how it goes and hopefully we'll be coming home with at least his ring!


Michelle Bowman said...

We got Mike's ring in Titanium. It still looks as new as when he got it... and this is after a month of golfing and building my raised garden beds!
Palladium and Tungsten are also two very durable metals.