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Friday, May 9, 2008

Our First Wedding Gift

Our first wedding gift arrived in the midst of a total nervous break down, yesterday evening. There was a legitimate wedding crisis, I'm talking Code Red and all that entails. My invites, which I've been slaving over for 6 months, were possibly in need of being completely redone. I was crying, looking for Xanax or possibly a bottle of wine when Alex walked in the door, carrying a giant box from Macy's.

Confused, I asked what he had bought, to which he replied "I thought you bought something". We both realized it must be a wedding gift, but who would have sent it? My invites we're in a chaotic state and certainly had not been mailed. And sure, the names of the places we are registered are on our website, but lets be honest - who reads that thing?

So I tore in with dried tears still on my cheeks to find two beautiful Vera Wang Crystal Wine Glasses, which we had registered for. I stared to cry all over again when I realized who they were from...

The lovely Ms. V - who's invites I recently showed off in design and completed form - sent them as a thank you to us for all my hard work on her invites. In the middle of a nervous break down, I'm reminded how wonderful people can be! A beautiful and unexpected gift! Thank you again Ms V!

PS - Invites are A-OK and have begun printing! Phew!


Amber said...

Receiving wedding gifts is just like icing on the cake!! Here you get to have this GREAT party with all your family and friends, AND you get gifts. Enjoy every moment of it!