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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Let's Make Beautiful Music Together Part #2

And because I can't for the life of me get to different you tube videos in one blog (tired all day yesterday and now most the morning today! LOL) I will do a separate blog for the song I will walk in to .

I am walking into Bless The Broken Road by Rascal Flatts, which is arguably just as common now as Here Comes The Bride and Cannon in D; however, this song has great meaning to Mr S and I, and since they are also my favorite band and it's one of my favorite songs...so it all works out.

But before you get you knickers in a bunch, don't worry I'm not brining along my Rascal Flatts CD for them to toss in, I will be walking down to the piano version.

Give it a listen here:

Next blog Maybe the song we will be exiting to......keep a look out for Part #3!