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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Near Disastrous Dress Fitting

My day started off badly. It was one of those days where everything that can go wrong, will. I should have just changed my name to Murphy. (as in "Murphys Law")

I shouldn't have been surprised knowing how poorly the day was going, that when I got to the dress shop I was going to have a hell of a time there as well. My dress was great, and luckily it DIDN'T fit, being that it was 2 sizes too big for me when I bought it I surely didn't want to have gained that much...I kinda gave up the working out thing...lol.

Paige's flower girl dress was in and I put it on her and planned to take photo of us together in our dresses. Unfortunately fate had a different plan. And I SWEAR God is simply challenging me to see how far I can go before I lose it all together. Here's the dress shop issues....

Near Disaster #1 My poor sweet FMIL, tried to pick Paige up to put her on a chair, thinking that she would be safer there while I dressed. Instead, some of the tulle on the dress got caught under Paige and ripped. I was more stressed listening to her cry then I was about the dress. Hopefully she won't grow 2 inches in 85 days and we can simply cut it away and we would have "lost" it in alterations anyway. Otherwise we'll just get a new one.

Near Disaster #2 After getting out of my dress, and listening to Paige cry for 30 minutes about the dress and then about how her foot hurt - I was ready to grab my 2 sisters dress' and head out. Again, nope.
Back when we ordered the 2 TOTALLY DIFFERENT dresses (seriously impossible to even slightly mistake them for one another), I was horrified at my lack of service at my shop because I had had such great service before. It stands to reason that because of the lack of service, would be why I received the wrong dress for my MOH (Maid of Honor ) my sister Ashley. I didn't get a Bridesmaid dress and a Jr. Bridesmaid dress, I got 2 JR's. UGH! Now my MOH's won't be in until 4 days before her alterations and the last day to do them might I add.

Add those 2 things on op of the 14 other crap-tasitc things that went wrong today and you'll have my life for the afternoon. I am proud I didn't almost kill anyone, I didn't cry - too much... and all in all I don't really care about the mishaps because they are fixable and especially in the case of my FMIL, totally accidental!!! (So stop feeling badly about it FMIL!! It was an accident!!! If you've taught me anything it's that life is full of hiccups - and we can't get worked up over them all. LOVE YOU!)

All that being said here's me in my dress, looking a bit more like it fits me.


I'm serious! Stop reading NOW

Not taken from the most flattering angle, but considering half were taken by Paige and the others by my FMIL while holding a crying 4 year old - I think their Damn good! ;-)
