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Monday, August 18, 2008

Wedding Week

I'm sorry I haven't posted anything really helpful lately. My DIY's are mostly done but you have the finished programs to look forward too and the seating chart board that I made. I have yet to spray paint the frame thats around it, I plan to have Mr S do that tonight.

Thing have been crazy busy, most people have wedding weekends and I have a wedding week! Saturday we went on a boat ride with 30 friends all of which are coming to the wedding. We spent the day on the lake!

Yesterday my biological son arrived with his adoptive parents, and I went to my moms for dinner and drinks to celebrate their arrival.

My house is trashed and I have more laundry to do then you can imagine. This week is going to go by fast and hopefully I can get it all done. I want to have all the clothes for the honeymoon clean and set to the side for my trip no later then Friday. This way, the day or so I get to spend with my daughter between the wedding and the honeymoon I can focus on playing with her and not cleaning.

And so it begins. Here we go. Man, this year has flown by!