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Friday, July 25, 2008

Becky + Stephan

I meant to get this up a long time ago, but things just got away from me. It's another design I did for a really sweet girl out in Oregon, Becky.

She wanted pink, and one of the designs I had already done - which made my job a little bit easier :-) She was so much fun to work with and I LOVE how she added to her pocket fold by:

  • Using an engagement photo to add a personal touch (or help relatives remember exactly who you are again..hehe - I should have done this!)
  • the ribbon around the pocket
  • using brads to hold the pocket in place instead of adhesive! (way cheaper I imagine PLUS it held it in place really well!!!)
I fell in love with this invite when it arrived in my mail box! It must have taken forever to assemble these but I can imagine the response she's getting from people - and it's nothing to do with my design! This girl really made her invite - HERS!

Check it out!

**Just a note to anyone interested in invite design from me - I am not taking anymore orders until after I return from my honeymoon in September. If you won't be needing anything until then, but want to book me now to save your place - please contact me at acgrundman@gmail.com as we'll chat!**


Becky said...

Hey Amber! Thanks for posting this--what fun to see my invite featured on your blog... :) I have received quite a response to both the invite AND the design, which has made all the hard work worth it for me. Thanks again for all your help and what a pleasure you have been to work with. Can you belive it's less than a month now--I'm trying so hard not to STRESS!!! :) haha...

CaliOC said...

The invites are beautiful -- you are very talented!