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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Argh! Seating Charts!

With 98% of the RSVP's in I decided to tackle the seating chart. Don't ask why I wanted one, I know they are not totally necessary. But, besides the fact it would be really hard for the waiters to know who's eating what with out them as I'm having 2 mean choices, I suppose my control freak is taking over and it makes me feel better to know it's there.

I wrote it out at the cabin, with a copy of the guest list and a notebook, plus copy of the room layout. I did pretty well, all things considered and it only took a few hours. Although I must admit when I got home and laid it all out, seeing the names physically in front of me made things a lot easier. Not only did it show me that I have quite a few places cards to make yet, I was able to see a huge family placement no-no and switch out some cousins before I had a real Beverly Hillbilly's blow out at my reception.

On top of the achievement of avoiding blood shed, I realize we only need 17 of the original 22 tables. This lowers my linen costs and WOO HOO, because it's like $300! At this point in the game, as far over budget as Mr S and I are, every penny counts!

Here's what my living room floor looked like after I got everything laid out. I have to stop sitting on the floor when doing everything, my back hurts! LOL.

Now all I have to do is print off the rest of the place cards, and then cross reference everything to make sure I have all the guests accounted for. Which I'm sure will be another 2 hour project, but well worth it. I'm giving myself 2 weeks to finish the remaining projects - after that if it's not done, it's not getting done. I will not over stress about this!