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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm Amazed.

Some things amaze me, like how you need a license to drive, but not to have children. How we drive on a park way but park on a drive way? And now, new to my list is the waiting period to pick up your marriage license in the state of Minnesota....

After applying, you have to wait 5 days to pick up you marriage license. It's ready for you pretty much when you apply, but you have to wait 5 days....

What amazes me....you only have to wait 3 days to buy a gun.....

Sooooo basically, they want you to think about things before you buy a gun..but really, really, really, think about getting married....WTF!?


Jenna said...

Oh this post was funny. It kind of reminded me of David Sedaris. Have you heard his piece about how the blind can hunt in Michigan?

Amber said...

When I got to the marriage license place and mentioned this the whole place burst into laughter...and the lady helping me said "Well I suppose if you get the gun before the wedding....." LOL

SO the blind can hunt in Michigan huh?? LOL. I need to check that guy out - he sounds hilarious!

Holly Cummings said...

That's so funny! I definitely agree with the thing about needing a license to drive but not to have children :)

Michelle Bowman said...

Yeah, FL has a 3 day waiting period for residents... but no wait for non residents... makes no sense to me!
There is no waiting period for a gun. NONE!